Wa Wai's Project Portfolio Page
Project: My Fitness Buddy
My Fitness Buddy is a desktop application that helps PES B pending recruits keep track of their overall change in fitness level by allowing them to add daily records of their weight and calorie input/output.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- Code contributed: RepoSense link
- New Feature: Calorie Model
- What it does: It contains the relevant details of the various calorie records for the user to track their calorie
- Justification: A model is needed to store all the relevant information.
- New Feature: Adding of Calorie
- What it does: Allows the user to add the various calorie input and output
- Justification: This features help the user to track the calorie records
- New Feature: Deleting of Calorie
- What it does: Allows the user to remove any calorie input and output
- Justification: The user may have added multiple entries of the same calorie record
- New Feature: Changing of Calorie
- What it does: Allows the user to change the details of any calorie record
Justification: The user may have input the wrong details for the calorie record
- New Feature: Login to different Profiles
- What it does: Allows the app to contain different profiles and the user can login to their own profile for their own information
- Justification: Forms a central system to maintain all the recruits record
- Project management:
- Manage the testing and code coverage for the team
- Fixed a number of major bugs and numerous minor bugs that affected the main code base of My Fitness Buddy.
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Added BMI label that shows the user their most updated BMI
- Added Progress Bar for the user to understand their progress towards the acceptable bmi range
- Added Calorie Budget for the user to know how much calorie they can intake for a particular day while still losing weight
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Calorie Related Guide
- Developer Guide:
- Explained the various model used in Developer Guide.
- Added the details of the implementations of the enhancement mentioned above
- Explained about the implementation of the remove command
- Explained the various model used in Developer Guide.
- User Guide:
- Community:
- Reminded the team to test and conduct regression test
- Merged numerous PRS
- Documented bugs for other teams during PE